Research report + EUROPT presentation

During these months, we have been primarily working on the idea of Primal-Dual Augmented Lagrangian (PDAL), which is inspired by the work of Griva and Polyak in the NLP setting 'Primal-dual nonlinear rescaling method with dynamic scaling parameter update", Mathematical Programming, (2006)' for the semidefinite programming setting. Based on our numerical observations, Newton's system in the Penalty-Barrier Multipliers/Augmented Lagrangian (PBM/AL) approach could not be solved to the required precision, and as a consequence, in the inner iterations, we came up with many iterations without improvement in the value of dual feasibility which is the matter of ill-conditioning. By applying the PDAL approach, we avoid solving Newton's system to complete precision, and that is why we expect less trouble with ill-conditioning. 

The good news is that we could implement this approach in Matlab on three different classes of problems: 

  1. selected SDPLIB examples (by B. Borchers), 
  2. selected large-scale examples from the collection by K. Toh
  3. medium to significant problems from truss topology design (by M. Kocvara). 
  • As a summary of our numerical results:primal-dual updates improve the performance and stability of PBM/AL methods, 
  • it can be applied to large-scale SDPs, high-precision results obtained, 
  • if a reasonable preconditioner available. 

Details about the PDAL approach and its application on truss topology design have been discussed in this archive paper on "Barrier and penalty methods for low-rank semidefinite programming with application to truss topology"

I could also get the chance to have a presentation on "A Primal-Dual Augmented Lagrangian Algorithm for SDPs in truss topology design" in Europt 2021 (the 18th international workshop on continuous optimization). The workshop is the annual event of the EUROPT continuous optimization working group of EURO (The Association of European Operational Research Societies), taking place virtually in Toulouse-France on the 7th-9th of July. 


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